Rural Grocery Succession Planning

Webinar 4: Beyond Grocery
Recorded April 21, 2022

Building value is a key step in business transition planning. Yet, this can be difficult given the unique challenges rural grocers face. This webinar will provide examples of innovative ways grocers have gone “beyond grocery” to build community support and remain competitive. First, we will hear about trends affecting rural grocery from Jim Dudlicek of the National Grocers Association. Then, we will be joined by Bonnie Ramsey, co-owner of Ramsey’s Market in Iowa, to hear about their collaboration with Ace Hardware and the Fresh out of the Box pilot project.

PowerPoint Slides (pdf)

Featured presenters:

  • Jim Dudlicek, National Grocers Association
  • Bonnie and Theo Ramsey, owners of Ramsey's Market and Fresh out of the Box