Marketing Local Farm Products

This group of documents, created by the Kansas Rural Center, provides ideas and templates for a grocer to work effectively with producers for sale of locally grown products.

Note: The following resources were developed by the Kansas Rural Center through the "Our Local Foods" project in 2012. Local food systems in Kansas have undergone immense changes over the last decade, and these resources may not be as relevant as they were when first created.

Buying and Selling Local Farm Products

Buying & Selling Local Farm Products

This guide offers grocers is designed to support grocers interested in tapping into the local foods market for the benefit of their businesses and their communities.

Basic Farm Food Safety Checklist

Basic Farm Food Safety Checklist

This tool is intended to guide a conversation between a grocery store owner and local food producer to ensure food safety.

Farm Product Purchasing Agreement

Farm Product Purchasing Agreement

This tool provides grocers an example of what a written commitment or agreement with a local farmer might look like. Grocers are welcome to download this document and modify it for their own use.

Farm Profile Worksheet

Farm Profile Worksheet

This tool provides an example of what information might be useful to collect from local farmers, in order to better market their products. Grocers are welcome to download this document and modify it for their own use.

Projected Farm Produce Availability Calendar

Projected Farm Produce Availability Calendar

This is a simple communications tool to aid grocers in assessing when farms may have various products available for sale to their store.


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